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8 Zone LAN Expander


The 8 Zone LAN Expander Module connects to Inner Range controllers via RS-485 LAN and provides an additional 8 Zone Inputs, 2 Auxiliary Outputs and 2 Siren drivers. Up to 99 Zone Expander Modules can be connected to the RS-485 LAN or via IP LAN if connected using Ethernet Bridge or CLOE devices.*

The 8 Zone LAN Expander Module also offers a UniBus in-cabinet

expansioninterface allowing further expansion of Zone Inputs and Auxiliary Outputs using plug on UniBus expansion devices fitted within the same tamper-protected enclosure. Up to 32 Zone Inputs or 32 Auxiliary Outputs can be connected to the Module (32 Zones and 26 Auxiliaries or 24 Zones and 32 Auxiliaries at the same time).

* Where it is necessary to connect large numbers of Zone Expanders to the RS-485 LAN, the use of LAN

Isolators or other